Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Your Digital Identity

The decision is yours: you determine who you are, who you will become. What is your digital identity?

As you hand in your metaphorical project, let's begin to ponder whether you will use this metaphor as a theme for your blog or whether you might want to choose another extended metaphor that will digitally represent you. Remember your blog title and user name are a part of your URL, your title; it's your digital "fingerprint." Therefore, choose carefully, thoughtfully.

Other cautions:

  1. Protect your identity. Do not use your name as your blog title/URL. Be cautious about what personal information you reveal throughout our blog. Will a reader be able to connect information and discern your first and last name or where you live or go to school?
  2. Is your blog visually appealing? Use colors and fonts to enhance...not to distract your readers. Remember these choices, too, are a reflection of who you are. Your public is judging you based on such decisions.

So let me ask again...as we prepare for the 21st Century, digitally, who will you become?

Whoever that might be, remember this: you are unique! Please let your blog represent that quality.

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