Today's plans include
- Write in your Writer's Notebook. You choose the topic.
- Turn in your Seven Habits project.
- Take the Julius Caesar vocabulary test.
- Complete and turn in the Review Packet.
Now go and have a great break!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Now go and have a great break!
Happy Thanksgiving!
For Friday, Nov. 21:
For Tuesday, Nov. 25:
Happy Thanksgiving! No homework! Take some time to rest and reflect on why you are who you are...and take time to appreciate who you are, for you are very blessed, intelligent young people.
Be thankful!
Julius Caesar:
Let's have a great week!
According to Sean Covey, "you have two ears and one mouth." Why does he point this out?
Friday, Nov. 7:
A Look Ahead
Tuesday, Nov. 11:
Thursday, Nov. 13:
Friday, Nov. 14:
Hopefully posting these assignments here and on the white board, as well as discussing them in class, will help us all have a win-win plan!
Next, we will analyze John Keats' poem "A Song about Myself." You may also find a copy of this poem on our class wiki at Mrs G Info.
Using this poem as our mentor text, your lit circle group will meet online via Google Docs as you share collaboration on a form that I will email the discussion director within your group.
Why are we studying this poem? Yes, to continue our study of our thematic unit Who Am I?
Then what? As we read Julius Caesar, each of you will be required to develop questions for each level for each act of the play. Why? The development of these skills are not intended to just fill sheets of paper and "kill another tree." The reality is this: these skills will greatly enhance your success in your AP courses, your score on your AP exams, which ultimately will result in your being a step-up on the college ladder of success!
This post may also be found at Treasure Chest of Thoughts.