Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tone Assignment

During your Lit Circle time on Friday, each group will choose a passage to read/perform that best illustrates tone.

Take some time to reflect on a passage that best illustrates your character's tone.

Posting to a Voice Thread

NOTE TO 4B: Sorry about the confusion in class today. Upon some reflection, I now realize that our problem was that we were not communicating! Duh! The problem was mine; I failed to to make sure that we began with the end in mind...meaning that I had forgotten that you did not know what a Voice Thread was/is...sorry! Forgot that we had not worked through that.

"Voicethread is an amazing tool with almost limitless possibility for classroom application. Upload images or video and users can make text, audio and video comments, and even draw on the images while commenting. Learn more here. Want examples? Look here, here and here.)"

  • The previous information I borrowed from Mrs. Huff's 21clc site, a wiki dedicated to teams of BHS teachers she is leading as they, too, learn more about Web 2.0 tools.
Please follow these steps when posting to a Voice Thread.

  1. Click on the sign-in button. Log-in using your gmail and password.
  2. When prompted, add your picture (avatar).
  3. Now click on "Comment."
  4. Click "yes" to allow microphone.
  5. Time to record! Proudly proclaim who your duck is...using that tone of voice!
  6. When finished, click on the red line.
  7. Listen...listen to what you just recorded.
  8. If you like what you said, click save. If not, select cancel...and begin again!
IMPORTANT: Please remember to sign out!

Deadlines to submit your introductory paragraph, your Voice Thread Script, and to record your comment on the Voice Thread:

  1. 3B: due by 12:00 on Friday
  2. 4B: due by the end of class on Friday.
Questions? Please send me an email...or stop by and see me in Cafe 16!

Wed., Sept. 30

Today's Menu Choices include...
  1. Comma Test
  2. Voice Thread Recording
  3. Sci-Fi Vocab...continues
  4. Lit Circle using your novel:
    Watch the PowerPoint and learn about H.G. Wells.
    Discuss what you learned about him in relation to content of your novel.
    Complete "Conclusion of Novel" lit circle form.
  1. Read "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury
  2. Complete your Ducks Galore Introductions (#4) Project.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Clarification: Ducks Galore

When you go to Mrs. G's Info Page and read number four, this is what is expected of you:

4. Introduce your duck!

Nothing new...just have these two documents typed and proofed and proofed again to turn in on Friday. I have several drafts of your introductory paragraphs to the teacher (me) graded and will hand them back to you on Wednesday.

Voice Tread comments will be completed in class on Wednesday!

Mon., Sept. 28: Today's Menu!

Do I have all kinds of specials for you!

SSR TIME....shhhh, you should be reading.

Writer's Notebook
: Place this definition of plagiarism in your WN.

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Now give your thoughts on why one might plagiarize? Now make the commitment to not plagiarize in this class!

Sci-Fi Novel:

  1. Quiz: For your novel, identify explain whether the tone word your group chose is still best summarizes H.G. Well's attitude for his main character. If so, provide support for this in your continued reading. If not, provide a new tone word and support. This is not an open-book quiz!
  2. Content test on Friday!

Ducks Galore!
  1. Project...#4 Components... due Friday! This is a test grade!
  2. Today: create a Voice Thread account.

  3. Due Friday: final duck paragraph and printout of Voice Thread introduction. Remember: proof one more time before submitting via the homework dropbox.
  4. While you are each recording, the rest of us are moving on to commas.

Grammar ~ Comma Check-up
  1. Review the rules for the test on Wednesday.
  2. Test format is...1) multiple choice, 2) a passage to correct, and 3) three awesome comma website URL's
  3. Check here for comma rule sites.
  4. Tag these three comma websites in your Delicious account....Comma_Rules.

Sci-Fi Vocab
  1. Complete your slides today!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept. 24:

Shhhh...time for Silent Sustained Reading!

Lit Circle Group:

Writing/Grammar CHECK-up:

  1. Let's review the comma exercise you completed in class last week.

  2. In your writing, I am noting that we sometime spell numbers; sometimes we write them numerically. Check here to review when to spell numbers...or not.

  3. Ponder on this: how might we combine these three sentences into one? In the Writer's Workshop tab in your 3-ring binder, revise these three sentences into one:
    "I recommend this book for any girl. This book captures the reader. I loved this book."

May we review the No-No this list in your Writer's Workshop (hint!)?

  • It
  • You
  • There is/are/was/were
  • Things/stuff
  • I believe/I feel/I think...
  • contractions (I'm, wasn't...)

Ducks Galore...continuing with tone!

  1. Time to draft the introduction of your duck to your classmates.

  1. Complete your novel for Monday.
  2. Finalize and practice your duck intro for the Voice Thread.


Heather is awesome! Thanks, Heather, for reading the blog outside of class!

Well, let's how many of you in 3B that knew about SSR being moved to the first of the class, well, many of you are reading the blog!

Thank you...making me proud!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22

ANNOUNCEMENT: On Wednesday, we start something new! The first 15 minutes of class is SSR time! That's right...always bring your favorite read with you! I have not decided what my read will be, but as I have about fifty novels awaiting me, the challenge is not what to read but which one!

Please take out a piece of paper and defend the following about the main character of your novel found at this site.

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK: Please watch the following video; then reflect in your WN about the collaborative beauty of Google Docs.

DUCKS GALORE: Discuss characterization. Please put these terms in your Reader's Workshop:

  1. Flat vs. Round

  2. Dynamic vs. Static

  3. Apply these terms, as you read, to the main character in your assigned novel.

DUCK GALORE PROJECT #1 consists of the following two parts:

  1. Introduce your duck to Mrs. Gillmore via paragraph. This part completed! (May make any changes to your paragraph for partial credit!)

  2. Sign in to Voice Thread. Insert your Avatar. Introduce your duck to your peers via Voice Thread. Remember...use tone as you present your duck!

  3. Duck photos scheduled for next time; please bring your friend to class!

May we review the No-No this list in your Writer's Notebook (hint!)?
*There is/are/was/were
*I believe/I feel/I think...
*contractions (I'm, wasn't...)


As we read H.G.Well's novels, we begin our sci-fi unit. This week, as I attempted to catch up my Google Reader (had over a 1000 posts! No, not 100 but 1000!), I came across this link. Go ahead! Check it out!

First, let's add a term to your Reader's Workshop: genre. What does this term mean to you?

Now let's work on discovering the tone H.G. Wells established in the first few chapters of his novels. Click here to access the worksheet your group must complete. You each need to complete the worksheet; then select a group member to email me the final product.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Something New!

Beginning Tuesday, September 22, we begin something new! That's right!

The first fifteen minutes of each class is now SSR time so plan to bring your favorite current read. Okay?

Bell rings; you being to read.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sept. 18

REMINDER: Due last time...comma exercise and book review and duck introductory paragraph.

Grammar Time/Writer's Notebook:
  1. Check comma exercise.
Lit Circle:
  1. Etiquette of the Circle.
  2. Complete your novel for next week!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sept. 16: Novel Assignments

Good afternoon!

Please remind them to email me their introductory duck paragraphs by 8:00 PM this evening.

Please click here to find the chart that shows which student is assigned what novel.



Because you got me to thinking, I wrote about you on my personal blog. Click here to check out what I had to say!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 14: The Quacky Days of Pre-AP

Today's Menu:
  • Commas Rule...or Comma Rules
  • Ducks Galore: from profile to paragraph
  • Literary terms to consider using in paragraph

I will not be here on Wednesday/Thursday as I will be serving on a committee for the Arkansas Department of Education.

Due in class on Wednesday/Thursday:

  • Your introduction of your duck...
  • Study the comma rules...could be a quiz!
  • SSR Time...Time Machine or Invisible Man.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 10: May We Never Forget

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."
- Abraham Lincoln

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK: To mark the anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, President Bush proclaimed that September 11 be named Patriot Day. On this day, the proclamation asks that flags be flown at half-mast and that the day be marked by ceremonies, candlelight vigils, and other remembrance services.

President Obama has also declared September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. Please go here to learn more that this.

Even though this day marks the anniversary of a huge disaster, it is called Patriot Day. How does this label change our perceptions about the events of September 11, 2001? Think of the various meanings of the word “patriot.” Is it possible to be a patriot and still disagree with certain aspects of the government? What is the best way to voice criticism of the government?

May we also commemorate this day with poetry? Please read the following poems:

We're Still Standing
Hannah Schoechert

Those twin towers
Standing tall with pride,
Fell with grieving hearts.
Stunned, America cried.

But we're still standing.

Bin Laden tried
To crush our land,
But we stood our ground
With our flag in hand

And we're still standing.

Red for the valor
And the blood that fell.
White for the purity
Our heroes tell.
Blue for the justice
That will be done,
Proving once more
These colors don't run

And we're still standing.

By Hannah Schoechert
A 7th grade student

To The Foolish American

© By Alyssa Marquardt

It kills me to hear you say
That war is just a foolish game
That men and women dare to play
Well I'd like to see you last one day
You obviously don't see the pain
Or the freedom that we Americans gain.
From those brave ones across the sea
The ones that mean so much to me
The ones who give you the right
To stand right there and hold that sign
You'll never see the world as a soldier does.
You'll never see that hate or feel that love.
You worry about work and school
They worry about destructive tools.
They worry about saving and taking lives.
And the freedom of their kids and wives.
We can't appreciate our whole ton.
But they are happy with the last little one.
So before you stand back and point you finger,
Listen to these words I give
And appreciate the life you live.

(Poem accessed at Poetry America.)

Who is the speaker? What is his/her perspective? What are your thoughts on these poem?

Definition of anaphora: Repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or verses. Can you find the anaphora the poet used in the previous poem? Why do authors choose to use such figurative devices?


Tech Time: Have you created all your accounts? Completed the form and hit submit?

Grammar Time!

  1. Please punctuate this poem.
  2. Unscrambling...another sentence!

Now let's post to your blog!

  • Choose a topic.
  • Draft your post.
  • Proofread! Then proofread again! Might consider having someone else proofread!
  • Run spell check.
  • Post to your blog.
  • Read your post again...make any necessary revisions...again!
Ready to write your book review? Open up the Book Review Rubric here.

Ducks Galore: Introduce me to you duck! Click here and find the guidelines and handouts for this project.


  1. Complete your out-of-class read!
  2. Finalize and post your first blog post.
  3. Draft your introduction of your duck.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sept. 8: Target Tech

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful three-day break!

Writer's Notebook Topic: Think about this sentence..."All writing equals the sum of its sentences." What does this mean? How important are sentences to a piece of writing's meaning? Now write a loooooooooooooooog sentence...keep adding parts.

Grammar Time! Check here for Sentence Unscrambling Exercise.

Please go to Cafe Pre-AP and post a link to your writing metaphor. We will have to do this one at a time...
  1. Sign in.
  2. Click on "edit."
  3. Click on "insert images and files."
  4. On the box, link your metaphor.

First, let's complete creating tech accounts. Please scroll down to Sept. 3's post.

Completed creating all your accounts? Submitted your form? Great! Let's move on!

Time to blog!

  • Look over your Writer's Notebook topics. Choose one of them on which to create a post.

Ducks Galore!

  • Meet your new friend!


  • Read! Read! Read! Out-of-class read due next week!
  • Create a persona for your duck.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sept. 3: Right on Target!

Today's Agenda...or Menu!

  1. Complete the Targit Test.
  2. If time allows, create a Penzu, Delicious, and GoodReads account.
  3. Fill-in the following form.
  4. Post a link to your writing metaphor on Cafe Pre-AP.

HOMEWORK: Read! Read! Read your out-of-class novel.